The ‘Secret War’ Is Worse Than Q Anon

And it’s hard watching my dad fall for it

L.L. Kirchner
4 min readSep 12, 2021


Is this money grab a dog whistle or just another example of how out of the loop The Donalds are?

It’s been almost a year since Q told his followers to SHUT IT ALREADY with the Q Anon stuff, because too many eyeballs meant the crackpots were starting to show. The new strategy, more clandestine and thus appealing to a wider swath, is to run against the godless liberals in local elections in order to restore, well, what is unclear. Something that hails from days of yore. Something that doesn’t exist anymore. Something that was probably never real in the first place.

One of the root conspiracies out there involves military secrets that cover everything from sex trafficking to alien life. The messages are so broad, there’s something for everyone. Even if you don’t believe Hillary Clinton drinks the blood of children she’s trafficking, you’re probably against sex trafficking in general. Did you know, a believer might ask, masks make it easier for pedophiles to hide at schools? Why don’t YOU get in on this fight?

Some will never be aware of the link between their #savethechildren re-post and the more deeply depraved messaging from right-wing extremists, and that’s the whole point of this new, so-called “secret war,” essentially a reinvigorated reactionary conservatism. The deeper the new child advocate (or “natural” wellness or immigrant-phobic) recruits dive…



L.L. Kirchner

I write entertaining stories that sneak up on you. Florida Girls, my new novel, comes out May 28! Stay abreast of it all at